
Thursday, July 26, 2012

!!! I'm ready for Class !!!

I haven't made a traditional block quilt in quite awhile so after signing up for my classes at MQX West I decided I needed to make myself a quilt or two so that I had something real to practice on after class. Last year I didn't have anything ready to practice on when I came home, I forgot most of what I learned by time I got a quilt made...not this year I'm ready.

So the hunt was on for a quilt pattern with "Stars" and a pattern with lots of empty background space.
I needed "Stars" because I'm taking Linda Taylor's class called "Star Gazing". I need lots of empty Background space because I'm taking classes from Jamie Wallen and Gina Perkes plus I'm taking a lecture class from Angela Walters. By time my classes are over I shouldn't have any problem filling up filling up the empty space.

It just so happened Thelma at Cupcakes ' Daisies was featuring a new Quilt Pattern called "Bounce" by Miss Rosie's on her blog. The border caught my eye first and then I saw lots of "Stars" with lots of empty background behind the stars. OH my!!! I found the perfect quilt pattern and I only need to make one, how did I luck out? Thank you Miss Rosie and Thelma.
Combining the quilting technices I learn from each of my teachers onto this one quilt will be very interesting...I think...Can't wait until October to see if my Quilting Vision pans out.
I made this quilt using "Memores of Provence" fabrics by Maywood Studio.

 For some of the stars I fussy cut the center square using the fabric seen at the bottom of the stack, it cut/fit perfectly so there was no waste. For a better look at the quilt just click on the picture. And most important this pattern is "Fat Quarter" friendly. I love "Fat Quarters".

And while I'm waiting for October to get here I just might make another quilt just in case I mess this one up. Yep, just might be a perfect solution... I didn't follow Rosie's cutting directions... I ended up with enough border pieces for a whole other quilt....I was wondering why it was taking me so long.
Please don't tell Rosie...but I admit I ended up with lots of extra "Star Parts" too cuz I simply didn't follow the cutting instructions....and her instructions are so well written even a beginner could make this quilt. But looking on the Bright side I have another quilt almost 1/2 done.

Gotta go I have a quilt on my rack waiting for me. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I wanted to thank you for adding the info about modern quilting on the MQR site after you took the classes and thanks again for the Sisters quilt photos. Denby
